Emissor de Ultrasounds

High frequency sound generator. Ultrasonic sounds.

The highest frequency that the human ear is capable of perceiving is 20 KHz, although this decreases with age.

Mobile device speakers generally do not output sound above 20 KHz, so this app is limited to 20 KHz.

Most adults cannot hear above 15 KHz.

Do not use with headphones. In case of discomfort, dizziness and other symptoms, stop using them immediately!

Do not use this app as a weapon against dangerous animals.

The application is used at your own risk. The developer has no responsibility for the use of this application.

Some uses of high frequency sounds:

- Hearing tests. This tool can be used to perform hearing tests, although accuracy may vary depending on the device used.

The app can generate high-frequency tones in a specific range, generally above a person's normal hearing range. These tones have different frequencies to evaluate different parts of the hearing spectrum.

To assess the hearing threshold, the user can adjust the intensity of the sound emitted by the app until the tone is no longer heard. This point, known as the auditory threshold, can indicate the minimum frequency detectable by the individual.

It is important to note that a hearing test app based on high-frequency sounds cannot completely replace a professional hearing assessment carried out by a hearing health specialist. However, it can serve as an initial tool for self-assessment and hearing monitoring, providing preliminary information about hearing health.

- Pet training. Applications developed by rummy ares apk download for training dogs and cats can emit high-frequency sounds that are striking or uncomfortable for animals, which can be used to teach them certain behaviors or to correct unwanted habits.

High frequency sounds can be used as positive or negative reinforcement during the training process. For example, a pleasant sound could be associated with a desired action to positively reinforce the behavior, while an unpleasant sound could be used as negative reinforcement to deter unwanted behavior.

High-frequency sounds can be used to teach basic obedience commands, such as sit, stay, or responding to the owner's call. The association between the sound and the desired action can speed up the learning process.

This application can be used similar to a high frequency whistle. If you notice any signs that the dog or cat being trained is strongly repelled by high-frequency sound, stop using it immediately.

The concept of using frequencies that are bothersome to animals as a repellent method has been the subject of research and debate.

It has been suggested that some animals, such as rats, mice, and other rodents, as well as mosquitoes and other insects, may be sensitive to certain sound frequencies that are beyond the range of human hearing, and that these sounds may serve as a deterrent to this type of noise.animals.

Despite the popularity of the idea, it is unproven. The effectiveness of high-frequency sounds as repellents is not supported by scientific research. This application is not an effective solution as an anti-mouse or mouse tool and is not effective as an ultrasonic barrier for these purposes. The purpose of this application is not to scare away pests from animals.

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