Counter Terrorist Agency - a unique strategic simulator for android devices. Fight against intDragon Tiger eational terrorism An addictive strategy for mobile platforms that will allow you to while away your leisure time, and will also present a completely new gameplay experience! In Counter Terrorist Agency, you will join the ranks of the defenders of planet Earth, a counter-terrorist organization that prevents the most horrific events. In the role of the head of the organization, you have to use the most mode intelligence techniques, find evidence and read private correspondence, finding suspects and neutralizing dangerous individuals. Join the ranks of the leading organization In Counter Terrorist Agency you can listen to realistic calls, identify potential villains, and balancing, acting only when proven guilty. The finest and deep analysis of evidence, logical tasks, creativity of thinking - all this you need to successfully fulfill your duty, can you protect humanity from threats? Addictive gameplay, nice interface and delightful atmosphere - all this awaits you at Counter Terrorist Agency!CPU---Android OS4.1Open GL---Free Space 379.97 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----